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Female Warriors


Let me tell you about my good friend Hali @honey_bee_fit_ and her best friend Rachel. We had been planning a video for a while, but due to time and schedules, we had not made it. Lucky for us, we work for an awesome boss who takes us on vacation once a year.

We talked, we schedule the photoshoot a video shoot for that Friday morning around 6 or 7am (can't quit remember) and we made it happen!

This has to be one of my favorite photo shoots. The two things I love, Fitness & Videography/Photography.


I got to admit, the shoot was pretty good but the video was not. Originally I had plan to shoot a behind the scenes style video for my YouTube page But.... I forgot to to check the camera and everything was on slow motion.

But not to worry, I repurpose the video, took a couple more shots and made it happen.

I have to thank Hali and Rachel for being part of this project and being good sports as well as amazing athletes. Looking forward to shooting with them again!

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